Email Pie

The free Email Pie API has now been integrated into the mailboxlayer API. You can resume your free API access by signing up here.

Email Pie is a wonderful little JSON API that gives you a simple way to validate email addresses. We'll let you know if that email address is legit or not.

What's it do?

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You will be redirected to the mailboxlayer API testing tool.


Well, first we make sure the email is formatted correctly. Catching things like invalid characters or no @ signs. Then, we make sure that the domain is configured to collect email. Finally, we check for common misspellings.


Email Problem? Link
[email protected] none! json
[email protected]@for.sure invalid formatting json
[email protected] mispelled gmail json
[email protected] bogus domain json




Sample Responses

Start using the API

Mostly done at HackCoMo. Get teh codez.